Hydrangea Photo Print on Canvas by Jaime Kaiser
Hydrangea Photo Print on Canvas by Jaime
Original photo printed on canvas 12"x12"Mis Quis (Dove) (aka Jaime Kaiser) is a tribal memberof the The Citizen Potawatomi Nation and learned Mi Wuk traditions growing up on her Grandfather's ranch in Burson (Calaveras County.) I started photography when I was 11 with the Tri Dam 4-H Club in Valley Springs."I grew up on a 60 acre Ranch in Burson CA that we inherited from my Great grandfather (Pops). Growing up on a Ranch we did all our own growing food, maintaining, chores, caring for all sorts of things. We had two milk cows and all the other Ranch stuff. ( like old Mc Donald) This enabled me to learn to adjust and create. We were continually creating and inventing. We canned our food and ate from our livestock. Our acre food garden was also a staple. I sewed, beaded macramed and even tanned some of our livestock hides. Idle hands is the devils playground. We lived off the land. My hands were never idle and still true today. i can't just watch tv without some art project in hand being it sewing, crochet or anything i can create. Mom even baked our bread. We had very little processed food. We were land rich and money poor. Our clothes were bought from the good will. So if I wanted for anything I had to create it.""If necessity is the mother of invention, emotion is the grandmother of art." Jamie aka Dove