We have thousands of items that are available for local pickup or to be shipped directly to you!
On the Item listing (in option name or below the "Add to Cart" button) look for one of these three phrases
"Available for pickup Now" or "Avail Now" -- Your item is in the store in Arnold.
"Available for pickup 7 Days" or "Avail 7 Days" -- Your item will come from our wholesaler and we will notify you when it's in the store.
"Our Affiliate will ship directly to you" or "Thank you for supporting our local business through our partner" -- This part of your shopping order will be mailed to you directly from our affiliate partner.
We are adding more items each day and will be adding ship direct services soon for all our items.
On the Item listing (in option name or below the "Add to Cart" button) look for one of these three phrases
"Available for pickup Now" or "Avail Now" -- Your item is in the store in Arnold.
"Available for pickup 7 Days" or "Avail 7 Days" -- Your item will come from our wholesaler and we will notify you when it's in the store.
"Our Affiliate will ship directly to you" or "Thank you for supporting our local business through our partner" -- This part of your shopping order will be mailed to you directly from our affiliate partner.
We are adding more items each day and will be adding ship direct services soon for all our items.
We have quite a few brand affiliations still to be added to the site. Enjoy shopping our favorite partners while supporting your local store!
When shopping through our partners you will be redirected to a new window; those purchases are separate from Artsy Parts.
When shopping through our partners you will be redirected to a new window; those purchases are separate from Artsy Parts.
Don't forget to return to your Artsy Parts window to complete your purchases!
If you find items elsewhere at better prices, PLEASE REQUEST A PRICE MATCH with a link to the item.
If you find items elsewhere at better prices, PLEASE REQUEST A PRICE MATCH with a link to the item.